Our values and visions

Lake Photonics GmbH is your ideal competent partner on Lake Constance in the area of diffuse reflection materials.

Together with the company management, our employees also follow the corporate objectives that make the company successful on the market on a long-term basis. These objectives are supported by the actively pursued values and the common vision of creating a feeling of togetherness, which represents an important foundation for a positive day-to-day working environment.

Our values are memorable and help shape our corporate culture.

Our vision shows us the way and helps establish our objectives. It strengthens our commitment to being the best in everything that we do, and lays the foundation for creating a company with shared values.

Our values are practised by our employees in all the decisions they have to make as part of their day-to-day work, and help define how we carry out our varied tasks. They provide a key focus point in our work, our objectives and our conduct.

Loyal customers and sales partners

Our philosophies and actions are centred on our customers.

High quality, reliability and the willingness to find customer-specific solutions are all founding principles of our work,

with quick quotation preparation and order processing playing a key role here, alongside short delivery times for products and services.

The use of technology and a team-oriented and flexible organisation helps us to continually develop and expand upon our range of products and services, with the aim of being able to meet customer requirements on the market as effectively as possible.

Organisation and management

Our organisational structure guarantees good customer proximity, efficient business processes and commercial success.

We always aspire to have clear and flexible structures in place in order to improve both contact with customers and employee motivation on a permanent basis.

The company management is also involved in the system, and is responsive for customer support and the development of new services, materials and products.

We act as a driving force in this regard, and work in a cooperative and fair manner with other service providers.

High quality, expertise and resourcefulness

Our wide-reaching and high-quality product range in the area of reflection materials, as well as the market innovations and technical improvements to well-known products provide our customers with significant benefits on their road to progress and success.

Our services are specially tailored to our customers’ requirements, and all undergo further development on an ongoing basis. Technical expertise and commercial competence are the key factors behind our company’s success.

Our qualified employees have an understanding of both our customers’ requirements as well as the language they use. They use the freedom that is granted to them in a responsible and creative manner, enabling them to respond quickly and flexibly to customer requirements and changes.

Good employees - an invaluable resource

Qualified, friendly and productive employees are essential in ensuring our success.

We use networked thinking. Employees work in teams together with the company management, and make sure to utilise every employee’s specific skills and competencies.

Our communication policy is based on respect and mutual appreciation, and we work together in an honest, fair and reliable manner. Cooperation and critical abilities are not mutually exclusive in our eyes.

The success of our business model is down to the simple corporate structure and a team of motivated employees. Mutual trust, expert information and the appropriate delegation of responsibility are the fundamental principles of our business management.

Satisfied and motivated employees are essential in creating a positive working environment, which in turn has a crucial impact on the performance of Lake Photonics and its customers.

Environment and sustainability

We take our responsibility for the ecologically sensitive Lake Constance region seriously by means of sustainable business management. We work in a needs-oriented and resource-friendly manner, and take responsibility for our environment with real conviction.

We plan, build and sell our products and services with particular consideration for environmental protection requirements, and we support and encourage our customers and suppliers in acting in an environmentally friendly manner.

In order to meet the constantly changing commercial, environmental and social requirements and conditions, we develop and refine our corporate strategy on an ongoing basis.

We are always looking to improve on the quality of our work, both technically and commercially as well as in our organisational processes and our social interactions.